For America to Fail it requires only that Good Men do Nothing ...
I know you are busy ... I'm busy too. So many things to do. Work, Family, Kids, Friends, TV, Sports, Chores ... the list seems endless and there's never enough time to get it all done. Then some "patriot" (like me, maybe) pipes up and starts spouting off about how the nation is going to Hell in a handcart and we're all doomed if we don't do this, or that or the other thing that HE says is vital to avoiding a total catastrophe. So we ignore it and go back to "the usual". And, for the most part, nothing changes. Much.
But then one day we notice that things are maybe not as nice or as convenient or as comfortable or as pleasing as they used to be and that bothers us, because we LIKE OUR COMFORT. But ... it's no big deal ... so we do nothing and life goes on ... just a little bit different, a little bit less convenient, a little bit less comfortable, a little bit less pleasing. For a while.
Until, one day, something happens that MATTERS. Suddenly we look around and we see that everything seems so different and out of control and confusing ... and it seems that there really isn't anything we can do about it - at least not without a HUGE EFFORT on our part or by MAKING WAVES. And we can't really have that, can we? After all, there's already too much to handle and nothing any ONE PERSON can do will really make any difference anyway, will it? Best to just walk on, tough it out and make the best of it. But it really sucks big time and that grates. Can't have everything we want, right?
Eventually, if we DO NOTHING, a LOT WILL CHANGE and it will be changed by OTHER PEOPLE who actually DO SOMETHING ... the only thing is that they will change things so life is the way THEY want it to be, even if that turns out to be a royal pain in the but for you and for me. And the people who seem most active in that way fall into just two categories: the ones who truly want everybody to live the best possible lives they can have; and the ones who want what they want for themselves and really don't care about the rest of us.
There's really no way around this. If we DO NOTHING then we will end up with a World created by those who want only what is best for themselves at the expense of the rest of us.
I know you are busy ... I'm busy too. But I AM DOING WHAT I CAN to help make our World one which is as good as it can be FOR EVERYONE. I just can't sit by and DO NOTHING because I know where it leads.
What are YOU going to do?
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